Through our business, we have already been able to impact many lives, but we want to go further.
Our strategy is built to generate positive social impact in society, and that is why we reinforce our purpose of promoting opportunities and paths to prosperity for people and communities. This is only possible by strengthening our relationship with customers, suppliers, employees, and social organizations in the areas around our stores to act together as true agents of transformation.
Support to Entrepreneurship

In our strategy to support society in generating jobs and income, we highlight the Academia Assaí Bons Negócios, a social investment program of Assaí that since 2017 has supported micro and small entrepreneurs in the food area, often still informal, with courses, information sharing, events and other diverse support. The Program works on 3 major fronts:
• Free online training through video-classes and other digital content: We offer participants of the Academia Assaí Bons Negócios free quality content, with clear language, accessibility and personalized information for different types of food businesses;
• Recognition of good practices with awards for entrepreneurs: Since 2018, we have recognized entrepreneurs with inspiring cases in the Prêmio Academia Assaí Bons Negócios. The finalists compete for the final award through popular online voting;
• Support for social institutions that promote and/or strengthen small businesses: As a way of expanding our activities and impacts within the Program, we also provide technical and financial support to organizations that work with micro-entrepreneurship.
Learn more about the Academia Assaí Bons Negócios through the link:

Support to Local Community

We have an internal Policy for Donations, Contributions and Sponsorships, and based on it we carry out our social investment actions aimed at supporting the communities around our stores. Thus, we carry out a schedule of recurring donations for the destination of basic needs grocery package to families in vulnerable situation, especially those most impacted in adverse moments, as has been the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, when we intensified our actions. All of this movement is only possible through great partnerships! Countless organizations and associations, active in the most diverse social causes, along with us in this mission to bring positive impact to more and more people.
Social Campaigns

Assaí engages its employees, customers and partner social institutions in mobilization and solidarity actions. From an annual calendar, actions are promoted in favor of social transformation that enhance the role of each one in this journey. We highlight the Solidarity Campaign, our main mobilization action of the year, where the stores become collection points for food and hygiene and cleaning products, to be distributed to thousands of families in situations of social vulnerability throughout Brazil, through our partner social institutions.