Consumo e Oferta Consciente

Our guideline is to encourage consumers to make choices in a more conscious way, with respect to the environment, people and animal welfare. For this reason, we encourage the consumption of healthy and sustainable products, raise awareness and offer space for the correct disposal of waste, and encourage the use of reusable bags.

The result? Minimizing environmental impacts and a more conscious society!

Find out more about these actions:


We offer our customers solutions for the correct disposal of waste, promoting awareness, recycling and an adequate disposal of materials harmful to the environment.

Some of the actions promoted by Assaí which involve the correct disposal of waste are:


At Assaí Recycling Stations, the customer can deposit their recyclable waste (such as cardboard, plastic, glass, metal and electronic waste) at specific collection points.

How about exchanging recyclable materials for discounts on your energy bill? In some Assaí stores, you can!

Part of our Recycling Stations have a partnership with energy concessionaires, which revert the amount of recyclable materials to a discount on your energy bill. So, in addition to the customer recycling their waste, he also saves at the end of the month.


To contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact caused by the incorrect disposal of batteries, Assaí offers a collector for this kind of waste in its stores. After being collected, the batteries are sent to the appropriate destination. Check out the closest Assaí store and enjoy!


As with batteries, the disposal of lamps requires a specific procedure for an environmentally appropriate disposal. Assaí makes available, in some of its stores, specific collectors for customers to discard this material and avoid contamination.


Assaí has developed a collection of reusable bags for those who want to make their purchases in a sustainable way. Altogether, there are four models of bags with exclusive patterns inspired by the mandala, the universal symbol of integration and harmony.

The bags carry up to 15 kg and can be purchased at any Assaí store. Resistant and with an exclusive design, they are also a great solution for transporting other objects on a daily basis, avoiding the use of plastic bags.

Fornecedores do Assaí

Empresas e indústrias de confiança com produtos de qualidade!